Cancelation & Refund Policy
If a camper needs to cancel prior to camp due to health reasons, they must submit a doctor's note in order to receive a refund. This refund, though, will not include their $100 deposit.
If a camper has to leave early due to health reasons, you will be pro-rated based on the day the camper leaves. This only applies if the camper cannot return to camp.
All cancelations must be in writing, either by email or letter.
Prior to February 1: Full refund
February 2 - March 1: $50 of deposit is forfeited
March 2 - May 31: $100 deposit is forfeited
Anytime after June 1: No refund
The Camp Director reserves the right to dismiss any camper whose behavior becomes detrimental to the other members of camp. No refund will be made for absences, dismissals, or withdrawals before a camp session ends.